Vintage British Calculators




We have no information about the name Shibuya, and the company which marketed this model. If you have any information please get in touch.

Shibuya 1200
Inside Shibuya 1200

Shibuya 1200

Display is 8 digits, red LED.

Four function.

Integrated circuit - General Instruments CZL-550, date coded early 1974.

9v (PP3 battery).

76 x 154 x 24 mm / 3.0" x 6.8" x 0.9".

Has membrane keyboard.

This calculator resembles the Taktile 1200 produced by ATE and the Triton 1200.


This is fairly thin calculator with a "pregnant" bulge to accomodate the 9v battery. Unlike some Sinclair models which had the same feature, the bulge here is at the top of the rear so the calculator sits on a desktop at a usful angle inclined to the user.

Vintage British Calculators

Text & photographs copyright, except where stated otherwise, © Nigel Tout 2000-2024.